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Policy Framework - Committee, Commission, and Board Review

As part of the General Plan Update Policy Framework review process, the City’s consultant team has been receiving feedback from the City’s Committees, Commissions, and Boards. Between May 1st and July 9, 2024, the General Plan Team presented the policy frameworks at 12 meetings. All meetings were recorded with the exception of the Senior Advisory Committee which met on May 9, 2024.

Policy Framework Review Recordings

Airport Commission

May 2, 2024

Transportation Policy Framework

Climate Action Commission - May 9, 2024

Transportation and Natural Environment Frameworks

Historic & Cultural Preservation Committee - May 7, 2024

Historic Resources Policy Framework

Planning Commission Meeting

May 28, 2024

Safety, Governance and Implementation, Economic Development, Infrastructure and Utilities, and Noise General Plan Policy Frameworks

Joint Recreation, Music & Parks Commission and

Tree Advisory Committee -May 15, 2024

Parks, Natural Environment, and Public Facilities Policy Frameoworks

Planning Commission (6/11/2024)

Petaluma Public Arts Committee

Health, Equity, and Environmental Justice, Natural Environment, and Flood Resiliency

Arts, Culture ,and Creativity Policy Framework

Planning Commission - June 25, 2024

Transportation, Parks, and Arts, Culture, and Creativity Policy Frameworks

 Climate Action Commission -June 13, 2024

Flood Resilience and Safety

Planning Commission - July 9, 2024

Historic Resources and Public Facilities and comments on Flood Resiliency


 General Plan Fest - May 11, 2024

On May 11, 2024, the City hosted an open house event to encourage public feedback on the proposed Policy Frameworks that will make up the City’s General Plan. Over 100 members of the community participated and shared feedback. You can find out more here.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the event, and we look forward to seeing you at the upcoming discussions of the policy frameworks at one of the City’s Commissions, Committees, and Boards public meetings!

We Received Great Feedback!

Prior Public engagement

2023 Public Engagement Activities

Sea Level Rise and Flood Mapping Community Meeting

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 6:00 PM

The Sea Level Rise and Flood Mapping Community Meeting included a presentation of modeling and maps of projected mid­-century and end­-of-­century flooding and sea level rise in Petaluma followed by a question-and-answer session.

City Council - Presentation and Consideration of Adoption of the Draft Housing Element

Monday, March 20, 2023 - 6:30 PM

The Planning Team presented the draft Housing Element and the Council approved a resolution adopting the Housing Element. You can view the agenda, staff report, and adopted Housing Element on the City’s website.

Planning Commission - Presentation of the Housing Element for Consideration of a Recommendation

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 7:00 PM

The Planning Team presented the draft Housing Element to the Planning Commission and requested that they provide a recommendation for approval to the City Council. You can view the agenda, staff report, and other materials on the City’s website.

2022 Public Engagement Activities

Between 2020 and 2022, the City hosted a variety of community events to engage all residents in the decision-making process. Do you love Petaluma and care about the future of our city? As we continue to develop the General Plan, we hope you and your neighbors will continue to stay involved and share their ideas on the issues, opportunities, and challenges facing the City. Please subscribe to our email list to learn about upcoming meetings and opportunities to participate in the General Plan Update process.

The following documents summarize the highlights of the 2020 - 2022 Public Engagement Activities:

2020-2021 Engagement Summary Matrix

Scroll down for details about all public engagement activities.

Find out more about the General Plan Process: Frequently Asked Questions.

Presentation on the Public Draft of the Housing Element - Climate Action Commission (Hybrid)

Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 6:30 PM

The Planning Team provided an informational presentation on the Public Draft of Petaluma’s Housing Element to the Climate Action Commission. The session summarized changes made based on extensive public input on sites, programs, and content included in the document.

View the presentation here: Link.

Presentation of Public Draft Housing Element - City Council (Hybrid)

Monday, October 3, 2022 - 6:00 PM

The Planning Team shared the Public Draft of Petaluma’s Housing Element and received feedback on sites, programs, and content included in the document from the community and City Council. As the fourth session of four public meetings related to the Public Draft of the Housing Element, this session also shared a summary of feedback heard to date from community members and other bodies.

Housing Element Public Draft Open House (Virtual)

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 6:00 PM

The City ed hosting a Housing Element Public Draft Open House during discussed how we developed the Public Draft of the Housing Element, informed the community about housing needs, sites identified for housing, and the many tools the City will use to support housing for our community and receive input from community members.

This was the third of four public meetings related to the Public Draft of the Housing Element, which includes the Planning Commission Meeting (9/13, 6:00 PM), September Planning Commission Meeting (9/13, 6:00 PM), GPAC Session (9/15, 6:30 PM), and the City Council Session (10/3, 6:00 PM).

Presentation of Public Draft Housing Element - Planning Commission (Hybrid)

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 - 7:00 PM

The Planning Team presented the Public Draft of Petaluma’s Housing Element and received feedback on sites, programs, and content included in the document.

The Housing Element is Petaluma’s Plan to facilitate the creation of needed housing and increase housing equity over the next 8 years. Since 2020, the City of Petaluma has been engaging the community to develop this policy document required by the State of California.

This was the first of four public meetings related to the Public Draft of the Housing Element, which include the September GPAC Session (9/15, 6:30 PM), the Housing Element Public Draft Open House (9/20, 6:00 PM), and the City Council Session (10/3, 6:00 PM).

City Council Presentation on the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update - SiteS Inventory and Housing Goals, Policies and ProGrams

Monday, July 18, 2022 - 6:00 PM

The City Council presentation and discussion was the third of a series of three public meetings reviewing the Draft Housing Sites Inventory and Draft Housing Goals, Policies, and Programs Chapters for the 6th Cycle Housing Element. Building on feedback from GPAC and Planning Commission, the City Council and community members provided important feedback that is being used to shape the public draft of the Housing Element.

Please access the agenda on the City meetings webpage for the recording and materials.

Planning Commission Presentation on the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update - SiteS Inventory and Housing Goals, Policies and ProGrams

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Planning Commission Special Meeting was the second of a series of three public meetings reviewing the Draft Housing Sites Inventory and Draft Housing Goals, Policies, and Programs Chapters for the 6th Cycle Housing Element.

We reviewed the background and process of the Housing Element and heard feedback on both the sites identified for housing and the goals, policies and programs developed.

Please access the agenda on the City meetings webpage for the recording and materials.

Housing Element Public Workshop (Virtual)

Thursday, April 7, 2022 - 6:00 - 8:00 PM

The Housing Element Community was the third in a series of three community meetings to learn about and shape our community’s approach to the 6th Cycle Housing Element, Petaluma's plan to provide needed housing and increase housing equity over the next eight years. The community meeting sought to create a shared understanding of the Housing Element and generated input to inform our approach to the 6th Cycle Housing Element.

Similar to the March GPAC Session and presentation to the Planning Commission, it began with a presentation sharing background on the role of the Housing Element. Subsequently, we reviewed community input on housing received thus far and highlighted current efforts. After this, we held small group discussions to discuss building heights, sites, housing goals, policies, and programs.

The input from this public workshop, the March GPAC Session, and the Planning Commission presentation and discussion, will help the 6th Cycle Housing Element reflect the community’s priorities.

Parking Study Session (Virtual)

Monday, March 28, 2022 - 6:00 PM

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council came together in a joint meeting to kick off the Parking Study Session series. The virtual session on March 28, 2022, provided a space to learn about off-street private parking standards and share perspectives on the direction to take as the City reconsiders how to align its policy with current values like carbon neutrality. 

While this session is not officially part of the General Plan Update process, the impacts of Parking reform in Petaluma will have important implications for further planning phases in land use.

For more information on the Parking Study Session and future sessions, please access the Parking Standard’s Ordinance Update section of the City webpage. 

Housing Element Presentation and Discussion to Planning Commission (Virtual)

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 - 7:00 PM

The Housing Element Presentation and Discussion was the second in a series of three community meetings to learn about and shape our community’s approach to the 6th Cycle Housing Element, Petaluma's plan to provide needed housing and increase housing equity over the next eight years. The presentation focused on sharing background on the role of the Housing Element, reviewing community input on housing received thus far, and highlighting current efforts. We appreciated the rich and in-depth discussion of housing goals, sites, policies, and programs.

Please access the agenda on the City meetings webpage for the recording and materials.

Vision Materials Presentation to City Council (Virtual)

Monday, March 21, 2022 - 6:30 PM

The City Council received a presentation on the Vision Statement, Pillars, Guiding Principles, and Supporting Concepts (Final Draft Vision Materials English and Spanish) for the General Plan Update recommended by the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC).

During the presentation, General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Members, and our consultant from Raimi and Associates provided an update of where we are with the General Plan Update, described the purpose for the Vision Materials, and outlined the process to develop, draft, and revise these documents built with community input during 2021-2022. As this was the third presentation of these materials, the City Council also heard a summary of feedback from the Planning Commission, Climate Action Commission, and community members.

Please access the agenda on the City meetings webpage for the recording and materials.

Vision Materials Presentation to Climate Action Commission (Virtual)

Thursday, March 10, 2022 - 6:30 PM

The Climate Action Commission received a presentation on the Vision Statement, Pillars, Guiding Principles, and Supporting Concepts (Final Draft Vision Materials English and Spanish) for the General Plan Update recommended by the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC).

During the presentation, General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Members, and our consultant from Raimi and Associates provided an update of where we are with the General Plan Update, described the purpose for the Vision Materials, and reviewed the process to develop, draft, and revise these documents built with community input during 2021-2022.

Please access the agenda on the City meetings webpage for the recording and materials.

Vision Materials Presentation to Planning Commission (Virtual)

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 7:00 PM

The Planning Commission will receive a presentation on the Vision Statement, Pillars, Guiding Principles, and Supporting Concepts (Final Draft Vision Materials English and Spanish) for the General Plan Update recommended by the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) to the City Council as part of the General Plan Update.

During the presentation, General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Members, and our consultant from Raimi and Associates will provide an update of where we are with the General Plan Update, describe the purpose for the Vision Materials, and describe the process to develop, draft, and revise these documents built with community input during 2021-2022.

Please access the agenda on the City meetings webpage for the recording and materials.

City Council Meeting - existing conditions reports (virtual)

January 3rd, 2022, 6:30 PM

At the January 3rd City Council meeting, the General Plan Team presented an overview of the Existing Conditions Reports and next steps for feedback analysis and revisions. Along with sharing patterns on past engagement, the meeting also received additional feedback from Council Members and community members. This continues to inform subsequent analysis and future changes that will be made in the final drafts of the ECRs.

Please access the agenda on the City meetings webpage for the recording and materials.

General Plan Update 2021 Activities

In 2021, the City made important progress that laid the foundation for our plan through community participation, extensive research, and collaboration across City Government and community members. The following are accomplishments that have been possible through this collaboration:

  • Held extensive community engagement online and in-person such as the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), the Visioning Workshop, Community Pop-ups at farmers markets and various locations around town to incorporate broader community input

  • Tailored outreach for specific communities to share their input such as a Youth Survey where we are partnering with the Petaluma Youth Commission and Petaluma High School, and creating Spanish-language spaces for engagement, such as the Latinx Focus Group Session on the General Plan, simultaneous translation during meetings, and bilingual resources in English and Spanish

  • Published 19 Existing Conditions Reports that provide in-depth research and analysis of diverse topics including sea level rise, GHG emissions, transportation, and many more topics. All reports are available at the Plan Documents page

  • Reviewed insights of the Existing Conditions Reports with 12 City of Petaluma Committees and Commissions to gain more feedback and ensure accurate information for future planning efforts

  • Partnered with non-profits and institutions to ensure more people get involved, address community concerns, and build a shared vision

All of this participation and research is part of the intentional process we are taking to help Petaluma address important challenges, such as the impacts of climate change and the housing crisis. Community participation is crucial in this process - this is your city and we want it to work for you!

Check out this Engagement Overview Draft to learn more about how community participation has shaped the General Plan Update process in 2021!

Committee And Commission Meetings to Share Existing Condition Reports (Virtual)

During October and November 2021, the General Plan Update Team presented Existing Conditions Reports to Petaluma’s Committees and Commissions. These presentations provided both a “big picture” overview of where we are today along with a deeper-dive into topics and issues relevant to that committee or commission. These sessions provided an important opportunity to evaluate our current conditions across the various factors from environmental conditions to parks and recreation and sparked more informed discussion and policy-making as we move forward in building our General Plan.

All community members were welcome to join these sessions to learn and comment on the issues. Informational materials were provided to Committees and Commissions, who posted them in their agendas online on the City’s Website.

Visioning Open House Workshop (Virtual)

September 29th - 6:30PM - 9:30PM

Members of the community joined the live session to learn about the General Plan update and share input through polls, written comments, and small group discussions. Building on previous community input, the visioning workshop was a chance to inform and confirm the direction of the updated General Plan.

The workshop also offered Spanish language facilitation for all the activities provided by city staff who are native Spanish speakers.

If you missed the live session, you can still share your ideas and comments through the Virtual Open House accessible through Friday, October 22, 2021! This Virtual Open House is a completely self-guided opportunity to provide input on the vision and progress made for the General Plan Update. Enter the link to go through and navigate activities to learn more, share your vision for Petaluma, and help inform plans for specific neighborhoods.

The activities are now closed.

Planning 101 educational forum (virtual)

September 8th from 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Are you interested in learning more about the City of Petaluma’s planning process? On September 8th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Heather Hines, Interim Community Development Director, Christina Paul, the General Plan project manager, and David Garcia, assistant planner, provided a presentation and led a Q&A forum on the basics of planning.

The presentation covers the General Plan requirements, zoning, and the city’s existing plans and ordinances. This educational forum will be co-hosted by Know Before You Grow. Come and learn more about how vision becomes reality in the world of planning!

Area Meetings

Thank you to all who attended an area meeting in late August and/or early September and shared your perspectives on how to make each of these areas a better place to live, work and play. Each meeting was focused on a different quadrant of the city and all offered simultaneous Spanish interpretation. The following are recordings from the Area Meetings.

Area Meeting - September 1, 2021

Area Meeting - August 30, 2021

Area Meeting - August 25, 2021

Area Meeting - August 23, 2021


Pop-ups (In-person): These were opportunities for all community members to learn about the General Plan and share their point of view with interactive boards and in conversation with planners. So far, they have provided important opportunities to meet community members where they are across the city!

  • Past pop-ups:

    • Walnut Park Farmers Market: Saturday, August 28th, 2 - 5pm

    • Eastside Farmers Market: Tuesday, August 31st, 10 - 1pm

    • Petaluma Evening Market: Thursday, September 9th, 4:30 - 8pm

    • Walnut Park Farmers Market: Saturday, September 11th, 2 - 5pm

    • Petaluma Public Library: Thursday, October 7th, 1-3:00 PM

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Frequently asked questions

+ what is a general Plan?

Every city and county in California is required by state law to have a General Plan. Typically, general plans cover a 15-20 year planning horizon. The General Plan discusses the city's goals, policies, and implementation actions regarding future growth, development, and change. Topic areas that are required to be included in a general plan include land use, open space, conservation, housing, circulation, noise, and safety. Petaluma’s current general plan was adopted in 2008.

+ why is the city updating the general plan?

Petaluma’s current General Plan accounts for a planning period through 2025. The current General Plan will continue to be in place until it is updated. There is no statutory deadline for updating the General Plan. However, the Housing Element is required to be updated. The updated Housign Element was adopted by City Council in March 2023 and certified by the State of California in May 2023. Updating the General Plan and the Housing Element in concert provides many benefits including a comprehensive update that accounts for new housing laws that address the availability and affordability of housing in the Petaluma. Updating the General Plan will also allow the City to respond to new issues and opportunities that have surfaced since the adoption of the current general plan, such as increased focus on climate action, sea level rise, equity, natural areas, and more.

+ how long will the general plan update take?

The General Plan Update process is a multi-year effort that began in the summer of 2020 starting with an outreach effort to inform the City's process. With a consultant selected in late 2020 the plan development and a robust outreach effort began and numerous community meetings and public engagement sessions have taken place. The Housing Element was adopted in March 2023 and the process is expected to culminate in adoption of the updated General Plan in 2025. This process includes the associated environmental analysis, as well as the Climate Action Plan.

+ How will this affect me?

Whether you’re a business owner, resident, or employee in Petaluma, the General Plan Update will include reviewing and updating policies that will create the community's vision for Petaluma and include specific policies and programs to bring that vision to fruition. The community vision embodied in the General Plan will inform future decisions and impact future development of residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural areas. Many opportunities will be available for you to get involved and be a part of shaping Petaluma's future.

+ How can I get involved?

There have been many opportunities to get involved in the process amd there will be more in the future. Head to our subscribe page and complete the form so we can send you information about opportunities for involvement as they arise.

+ How will my feedback be used?

Feedback from initial outreach efforts has been used to identify issues and opportunities to be addressed in the General Plan Update. Feedback received from conversations, meetings, and survey responses informed the initial General Plan direction and has continued to inform the development of the Plan itself.

+ Do you have any examples of great General Plans to refer to?

Yes, here is our current list.


Share your Comments


Heather Hines, Staff Project Manager

Planning Division

City of Petaluma