Frequently asked questions

+ what is a general Plan?

Every city and county in California is required by state law to have a General Plan. Typically, general plans cover a 15-20 year planning horizon. The General Plan discusses the city's goals, policies, and implementation actions regarding future growth, development, and change. Topic areas that are required to be included in a general plan include land use, open space, conservation, housing, circulation, noise, and safety. Petaluma’s current general plan was adopted in 2008.

+ why is the city updating the general plan?

Petaluma’s current General Plan accounts for a planning period through 2025. The current General Plan will continue to be in place until it is updated. There is no statutory deadline for updating the General Plan. However, the Housing Element is required to be updated. The updated Housign Element was adopted by City Council in March 2023 and certified by the State of California in May 2023. Updating the General Plan and the Housing Element in concert provides many benefits including a comprehensive update that accounts for new housing laws that address the availability and affordability of housing in the Petaluma. Updating the General Plan will also allow the City to respond to new issues and opportunities that have surfaced since the adoption of the current general plan, such as increased focus on climate action, sea level rise, equity, natural areas, and more.

+ how long will the general plan update take?

The General Plan Update process is a multi-year effort that began in the summer of 2020 starting with an outreach effort to inform the City's process. With a consultant selected in late 2020 the plan development and a robust outreach effort began and numerous community meetings and public engagement sessions have taken place. The Housing Element was adopted in March 2023 and the process is expected to culminate in adoption of the updated General Plan in 2025. This process includes the associated environmental analysis, as well as the Climate Action Plan.

+ How will this affect me?

Whether you’re a business owner, resident, or employee in Petaluma, the General Plan Update will include reviewing and updating policies that will create the community's vision for Petaluma and include specific policies and programs to bring that vision to fruition. The community vision embodied in the General Plan will inform future decisions and impact future development of residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural areas. Many opportunities will be available for you to get involved and be a part of shaping Petaluma's future.

+ How can I get involved?

There have been many opportunities to get involved in the process amd there will be more in the future. Head to our subscribe page and complete the form so we can send you information about opportunities for involvement as they arise.

+ How will my feedback be used?

Feedback from initial outreach efforts has been used to identify issues and opportunities to be addressed in the General Plan Update. Feedback received from conversations, meetings, and survey responses informed the initial General Plan direction and has continued to inform the development of the Plan itself.

+ Do you have any examples of great General Plans to refer to?

Yes, here is our current list.