Arts, Culture, and Creativity Policy Framework

Petaluma has a strong creative community and would like to expand access to art and creative industries for everyone. The Arts, Culture, and Creativity Policy Framework lays out plans to do this by strengthening our city’s arts and culture programs, helping creative businesses thrive, and increasing the presence and visibility of artists in city projects and processes.

To read the Arts, Culture, & Creativity Policy Framework, click HERE. It includes considerable detail including goals, policies, and implementation actions.

Below is an opportunity to provide input on the goals and policies related to the Arts, Culture, and Creativity Policy Framework. You can submit feedback on as many goals or policies as you'd like. Please complete the feedback form for this Policy Framework by June 20, 2024. If you would like to complete the form in a separate browser tab, click HERE.

This Policy Framework is structured around the following goal areas.

Goal AC-1: Artists in City Programs and Processes

Goal AC-2: Strong City Arts and Culture Programs

Goal AC-3: Strong Public Art Program

Goal AC-4: Equitable and Accessible Public Art

Goal AC-5: Thriving Creative Businesses

Goal AC-6: Regional Creative Center

Goal AC-7: Sufficient Supply of Arts Venues

For more information on the related policies and implementation actions for each goal area, please review the Policy Framework document, available HERE.